Senior Daniel Assumpcao has been named a Churchill Scholar for the 2019–20 academic year. The scholarship funds one year of graduate study in a STEM field at Churchill College at the University of Cambridge.
Assumpcao, an electrical engineering major, will be studying for an MPhil (Masters of Philosophy) in physics, working at the university's NanoPhotonics Centre. At Caltech, he worked under the supervision of Hyuck Choo, visiting associate in electrical engineering, studying quantum plasmonics—research into the quantum properties of light and its interaction with matter at the nanoscale—and a variety of nanophotonic devices.
"This is a great honor," says Assumpcao. "I am excited to perform cutting-edge research at the NanoPhotonics Centre while getting to experience life in Cambridge. After this experience, I plan on pursuing my PhD in nanophotonics, and I believe my work at Cambridge will prepare me to do so."
Assumpcao is the 20th Caltech student to be named a Churchill Scholar since the program began in 1963.