[esp image] E. Sterl Phinney [cit image] [tapir image]

Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics

PhD 1983, Cambridge University; BS 1980, California Institute of Technology; 1995 AAS Warner Prize, 1999 Salpeter Lecturer.

Short short curriculum vitae, recent pubs (adobe pdf, 3 page).

Selected Recent Publications

Click on highlighted page numbers to see popular figures from each paper. Click on highlighted titles to see the abstract and/or table of contents.

Research Interests

High-energy relativistic astrophysics and low-energy Newtonian astrophysics. Both can be elegant and fun. For seemingly accidental reasons, a common thread in many of my research projects has turned out to be the importance of antimatter (specifically electron-positron pairs) in astrophysical objects.
Graduate Students Click on name to see current place of employment, paper icon for (incomplete) publications.
Prof. M. Coleman Miller [PhD 1990] [papers icon], Prof. Steinn Sigurdsson [PhD 1991] [papers icon], Lin Zuo [PhD 1991] [papers icon], Prof. Maurice H.P.M. van Putten [PhD 1992] [papers icon] book, Prof. Alice C. Quillen [PhD 1993] [papers icon], Prof. Bradley M.S. Hansen [PhD 1996] [papers icon], Prof. Sanjoy Mahajan [PhD 1998] books, Michael Hartl [PhD 2003] [papers icon] books, J. Nate Bode [PhD 2011] [papers icon], Christopher Wegg [PhD 2012] [papers icon], Io Kleiser [PhD 2018][papers icon], Prof. Elena Murchikova [PhD 2018] [papers icon], (co-advisor) Prof. Anna Y. Ho [PhD 2020] papers icon]
Recent SURFs
Adam Jermyn (2014, CIT), Hyerin Cho (2018, GIST), Tzarina Shippee (2019, CIT), Gauri Batra (2020, Cornell).
Senior Thesis
Adam Jermyn (won 2015 APS Apker Prize for this thesis)
Postdoctoral Fellows
Prof. Andrzej Zdziarski [papers icon], Prof. Isaac Shlosman [papers icon], Prof. G. Mark Voit [papers icon], Prof. Ari Laor [papers icon], Prof. Dong Lai [papers icon], Prof. Andrew Melatos [papers icon], Prof. Eric Blackman [papers icon], Prof. Scott Hughes [papers icon], Guillaume Dubus [papers icon], Greg Ushomirsky [papers icon], Marc Freitag [papers icon] Prof. Jonathan Gair [papers icon], Michael Hartl [papers icon], Prof. Naoki Seto papers icon], Prof. Yasushi Mino papers icon], Prof. Milos Milosavljevic papers icon], Etienne Racine papers icon], Prof. Michael Kesden papers icon], Prof. Kumiko Kotera papers icon], Drew Clausen papers icon], Prof. Jim Fuller papers icon], Jono Squire papers icon], Prof. Clement Bonnerot papers icon], Adithan Kathirgamarajupapers icon], Prof. Wenbin Lu papers icon], Prof. Paz Beniamini papers icon], Dongzi Lipapers icon], Prof. Ilaria Caiazzo papers icon], Prof. Abigail Polinpapers icon],

Courses taught

(most materials are Caltech/VPN access only)



Children: Isabelle (piano), Sophie
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*Theoretical Astrophysics incl. Relativity group at Caltech


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