E. Sterl Phinney
Professor of Theoretical Astrophysics
PhD 1983, Cambridge University; BS 1980, California Institute of Technology;
1995 AAS Warner
Prize, 1999 Salpeter Lecturer.
Short short curriculum vitae, recent pubs (adobe pdf, 3 page).
- Office: 316 Cahill
- Admin Asst: JoAnn Boyd, x4280; Grants Manager: Erika Garcia x8610
- Snail: 350-17 Caltech, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA
- Email: esp{at}tapir{ dot }caltech{ dot }edu
- FAX: 1-626-796-5675
Selected Recent Publications
Click on highlighted page numbers to see popular figures from each paper.
Click on highlighted titles to see the abstract and/or table of contents.
- A Practical
Theorem on Gravitational Wave Backgrounds, E.S. Phinney.
- Birth Kicks as the
Origin of Pulsar Rotation, H. Spruit & E.S. Phinney, Nature,
393: 139-141 (1998).
- Stellar
Forensics I: Cooling Curves, and
Stellar Forensics
II: Millisecond Pulsar Binaries,
B.M.S. Hansen & E.S. Phinney, M.N.R.A.S. 294: 557 and 569 (1998).
- The Pulsar
Kick Velocity Distribution,
B.M.S. Hansen & E.S. Phinney, M.N.R.A.S., 291: 569-577 (1997).
- The Fading of
Young Stellar Populations and the Luminosity Functions of Dwarf,
Irregular, and Starburst Galaxies,
D.W. Hogg & E.S. Phinney, Astrophys. J., 488: L95-L99 (1997).
- Constraints on the Extragalactic Background
Light from Gamma-ray Observations of High Redshift Quasars,
P. Madau & E.S. Phinney, Astrophys. J., 456: 124-131 (1996).
- Tidal Circularization and the Eccentricity
of Binaries Containing Giant Stars, F. Verbunt & E.S. Phinney,
Astron. Astrophys., 296: 709-721 (1995).
- Binary and Millisecond Pulsars,
E.S. Phinney & S.R. Kulkarni,
Annu. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 32: 591-639 (1994).
- Mass-Transfer Induced Activity
in Galaxies: An Introduction, E.S. Phinney
in Mass-Transfer Induced Activity in Galaxies, ed. I. Shlosman
(Cambridge, Cambridge Univ. Pr.),
1-22 (1994).
- Binary-Single Star Interactions
in Globular Clusters,
S. Sigurdsson & E.S. Phinney, Astrophys. J., 415:
631-651 (1993).
- Pulsars as Probes of
Newtonian Dynamical Systems, E.S. Phinney,
Phil Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 341: 39-75 (1992).
- The Rate of Neutron Star Binary
Mergers in the Universe: Minimal Predictions for Gravity
Wave Detectors, E.S. Phinney,
Astrophys. J. Lett., 380: L17-L21 (1991).
Research Interests
High-energy relativistic astrophysics and low-energy Newtonian
astrophysics. Both can be elegant and fun.
For seemingly accidental reasons, a common thread in many of my
research projects has turned out to be the importance of antimatter
(specifically electron-positron pairs) in astrophysical objects.
- The origin of relativistic jets from accreting black holes
- Magnetohydrodynamic extraction of energy from rotating
(Kerr) black holes
- Pair creation and radiation drag in relativistic jets
- Propagation and slowing of jets
- Structure of accretion disks
- Dynamics, heating and cooling of warped disks
- Evolution of disks formed by impulsively events -the formation
of planets around PSR 1257+12
- Super-Eddington accretion onto neutron stars
- Properties of dense matter in very high magnetic fields
- Formation and properties of recycled binary pulsars
- Coupling of orbital motion to stellar convection and cycles
in X-ray binaries. Residual eccentricities of pulsar binaries.
Anomalous period derivatives.
- Evolution of X-ray binaries. Core mass-period relation of
binary pulsars. Birthrate problem.
- Plasma physics of eclipse mechanisms in eclipsing pulsars.
- Magnetospheric physics of millisecond pulsars. Wind properties,
death valley.
- Cooling of white dwarf companions to pulsars. Age determination.
- Effects of pulsars and X-ray sources on their companion stars.
- Pulsars in globular clusters
- Dynamics of binary stars in globular clusters. Companion
exchange and hardening. Tidal encounters.
- Evolution of binary populations in globular clusters
- Pulsar timing in globular clusters: mean field acceleration
and local jerk. Determination of properties of cluster cores,
mass segregation, IMF.
- Plasma probes of ICM.
- Star formation in dense environments
- Dense star clusters, multiple star evolution
- Galactic nuclei
- Stellar collisions in the Galactic nucleus
- The intergalactic medium and radiation fields
- UV opacity of the universe
- Structure and correlations of intergalactic hydrogen clouds
- Propagation of gamma-rays at high redshifts -pair opacity
and the evolution of the UV-optical background
- Measurement and origin of the primordial intergalactic
magnetic field
- I chaired the US LISA
Mission Definition Team from its creation in 1997 until
2001, when LISA was funded and entered project phase in
both NASA and ESA.
From 2001, when the US Mission Definition and the European
LISA teams were merged into a single `LISA International
Science Team' (the LIST), until 2011, when the financial disaster called JWST
caused NASA to terminate its involvement with LISA, I served as
US chair of the LISA
and Data Analysis Working Group.
LISA is the
Laser Interferometer Space Antenna, for
gravitational wave astronomy.
LISA operates at much
lower frequencies than ground-based detectors like
LIGO, and there is
no overlap in the sources expected.
from supermassive black holes
throughout the universe (to
redshift 100!)
thousands of
binaries throughout the Galaxy
will form a suite of constantly changing tones, the
gravitational-wave symphony of the universe. LISA's goal is to
record this symphony in glorious high-fi. For details see my summary of
science goals,
and drivers
an image
of the LISA sky, some images and audio snips of tiny bits of
waveforms from one of the most interesting LISA sources: compact objects
captured onto orbits plunging near massive black holes in galactic
and the glossy official
LISA web site at JPL.
Sources of LISA graphics.
My animations of waves, and interferometer reactions,
from orbiting binaries at inclinations:
and i=80.
News flashes: LISA is now in the
NASA OSS Strategic Plan (Nov 1999) for launch 2009-2010.
LISA is recommended by the NAS/NRC panel
on Gravitational
Physics (Dec 1999). LISA is
new moderate initiative for NASA recommended by the NAS/NRC
survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics (May 2000). The European Space
SSAC recommends LISA be funded jointly with NASA, for launch
ESA's Science Programme Committee
unamimously endorses LISA as a
Cornerstone at F-class cost in collaboration with NASA, for launch 2008-2013
(Oct 2000).
ESA funds 2006 launch of LISA test package as
SMART-2 (Feb 2001);
to Tender out. NASA $62M participation in LISA
Disturbance Reduction System test in SMART-2 through
approved in
March 2002. (Feb 2003): LISA in the President's 2004 budget request.
- I chaired NASA's 2003-2028
SEU Roadmap Team, and led the development of NASA's
Beyond Einstein
program, which at last got LISA (and several other missions) into the
President's budget (Feb 2003). I chaired the Astronomy and Astrophysics panel
of the NAS/National Research Council's Nuclear Systems Study (2004),
and from 2005-2008 was a member of the congressionally chartered
Astronomy and
Astrophysics Advisory Committee (AAAC).
I led a NASA study of my proposed follow-on to LISA,
the Big Bang Observer (2004-5).
- Graduate Students Click on name to see current place of
employment, paper icon for (incomplete) publications.
- Former:
Prof. M. Coleman Miller [PhD 1990]
Prof. Steinn Sigurdsson [PhD 1991]
Lin Zuo [PhD 1991]
Prof. Maurice H.P.M.
van Putten [PhD 1992]
Prof. Alice C. Quillen [PhD 1993]
Prof. Bradley M.S. Hansen [PhD 1996]
Prof. Sanjoy Mahajan [PhD 1998]
Michael Hartl [PhD 2003]
J. Nate Bode [PhD 2011]
Christopher Wegg [PhD 2012]
Io Kleiser [PhD 2018]
Prof. Elena Murchikova
[PhD 2018]
(co-advisor) Prof. Anna Y. Ho [PhD 2020]
- Current:
- Recent SURFs
- Adam Jermyn (2014, CIT),
Hyerin Cho (2018, GIST),
Tzarina Shippee (2019, CIT),
Gauri Batra (2020, Cornell).
- Senior Thesis
- Former:
- Adam Jermyn (won 2015 APS Apker Prize for this thesis)
- Postdoctoral Fellows
- Former:
Prof. Andrzej Zdziarski
Prof. Isaac Shlosman
Prof. G. Mark Voit
Prof. Ari Laor
Prof. Dong Lai
Prof. Andrew Melatos
Prof. Eric Blackman
Prof. Scott Hughes
Guillaume Dubus
Greg Ushomirsky
Prof. Jonathan Gair
Michael Hartl
Prof. Naoki Seto
Prof. Yasushi Mino
Prof. Milos Milosavljevic
Etienne Racine
Prof. Michael Kesden
Prof. Kumiko Kotera
Drew Clausen
Prof. Jim Fuller
Jono Squire
Prof. Clement Bonnerot
Adithan Kathirgamaraju
Prof. Wenbin Lu
Prof. Paz Beniamini
Dongzi Li
, Prof. Ilaria Caiazzo
, Prof. Abigail Polin
- Current:
Courses taught
(most materials are Caltech/VPN access only)
- ACM 95b/100b Introductory Methods of Applied Mathematics (ODEs, special functions, Fourier and Laplace transforms)
-Course Materials and Notes
- Physics 1b Special Relativity and Electromagnetism
- Physics 1c Electromagnetism
- Physics 101=103b Order of Magnitude Physics -2023 Course Materials and Notes
-1989,1991,1993,1995,1997 Course
Materials and Notes
- Physics 106a Topics in Classical Physics -Mechanics I -Course Materials
- Physics 106b Topics in Classical Physics -Mechanics II -Course Materials
- Physics 136a Applications of Classical Physics (tensors, transport, statistical physics, random processes, wave propagation, optics) -2020 Course Materials
- Physics 136b Applications of Classical Physics (hydrodynamics, MHD, plasma physics) -2019 Course Materials
- Physics 236abc
General Relativity
- Astronomy 20 Basic Astronomy and the Galaxy- Course Materials and Notes
- Astronomy 21 Galaxies and Cosmology-Course Materials
- Astronomy 102 Physics of the Interstellar Medium -1996 CLUE review, 1997, 2023 Course Materials and Notes
- Astronomy/Physics 104 Relativistic Astrophysics
Course Materials
- Astronomy 121 Radiative Processes
-2023 Course Materials
- Astronomy 123 Structure and Evolution of Interacting Binary
Stars -Course Materials
- Astronomy 124 Structure and Dynamics of Galaxies -
1995 CLUE review, Course Materials and Notes
- Astronomy 125 High-Energy Astrophysics -Course Materials and Notes
- Astronomy 126 Physics of the Interstellar Medium
Course Materials
- Astronomy 127 Cosmology and Galaxy Formation -Course Materials
- Astronomy 141abc Research Conference in Astronomy -Course Materials
- Astronomy 215 Star Formation -Course Materials
- Astronomy 215 Disks and Accretion -Course Materials
- Astronomy 215 Astronomical Transients -Course Materials
- Astronomy 215 Compact Binaries -Course Materials
- Astronomy 218 Physics of Accretion and Active Galactic Nuclei
- Astronomy 218 Theory of Gamma-Ray Bursts
- Astronomy 218 Gamma-Ray Astronomy
Course Materials
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*Theoretical Astrophysics incl. Relativity
group at Caltech
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