As a member of the Karen ethnic nationality in Burma, Ka Hsaw Wa has been imprisoned and tortured for leading protests calling for human rights and democracy in the face of a restrictive Burmese regime. After fleeing the country, he has returned many times clandestinely to document human rights abuses against his own people.
In 1995, he joined two American lawyers to found EarthRights nternational (ERI), an organization that has applied innovative strategies in the defense of human rights and environmental protection worldwide. ERI also works to empower indigenous peoples, helping them regain control over their natural resources. For such work, Ka Hsaw Wa has been honored with several awards, including the Goldman Environmental Prize and the Reebok Human Rights Award.
This is the fifth year for the Social Activism Speaker Series, which focuses attention on current social and political issues by inviting prominent activists to share their experiences and perspectives with the Caltech community and the public. This series is coordinated with the help of the Caltech Y, and is made possible by contributions from the Moore-Hufstedler Fund, Student Affairs, the Alumni Association, Campus Life, the Diversity Program Fund, the Graduate Student Council, Jack and Edith Roberts, and the Associated Students of Caltech.
The Beckman Institute Auditorium is located on the west side of the Caltech campus. Parking is available in the lots south of Del Mar Boulevard between Wilson and Chester Avenues, and in the Wilson Avenue parking structures between San Pasqual Street and Del Mar Boulevard.
For more information, visit or contact Greg Fletcher, Caltech Y, (626) 395-6163.
Media Contact: Deborah Williams-Hedges (626) 395-3227
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