At the 64th annual Staff Service & Impact Awards ceremony on May 30, Caltech president Thomas F. Rosenbaum presented awards to more than 200 staff members for their years of service and contributions to the Institute.
Employees honored included: one who has served the Institute for 55 years (Keith Matthews); two for 50 years (Jennifer Daniels and Robert Taylor); six for 40 years; 11 for 35 years; 20 for 30 years; 25 for 25 years; 51 for 20 years; 59 for 15 years; and 48 for 10 years.
Julia McCallin, associate vice president for human resources, served as master of ceremonies for the event, which underscored the vital importance of Caltech's staff members to the accomplishment of the Institute's scientific mission. Robert Taylor, 50-year honoree and instrument specialist for LIGO, delivered the keynote address.
The event also included the announcement of two awards, one honoring individual achievement and another recognizing the impact of teams making significant contributions to the work of the Institute.
Rose Royal, department assistant in the Facilities Service Center, received the Thomas W. Schmitt Annual Staff Prize, which honors a staff member whose contributions "embody the values and spirit that enable the Institute to achieve excellence in research and education."
The award recognized her for her work in helping fix workplace problems such as broken heaters and water leaks—triaging complaints and scheduling needed repairs "with a smile and a great attitude every day."
Caltech Connect Trainers won the Team Impact Award, which recognizes "teams that make significant contributions to the work and mission of the Institute," and are able to demonstrate work that has impacted and supported its research or education programs.
The Institute honored the team, created by Student Wellness Services in 2018 as a depression- and suicide-prevention resource, for its work in training more than 400 members of the Caltech community to help identify and assist students in need of counseling or other resources.