Dr. Kneeland Youngblood is a Founding Partner, Chairman, and CEO of Pharos Capital Group, which invests in the healthcare service sector with a focus on improving patient outcomes, lowering healthcare costs, and increasing accessibility for patients, especially in underserved urban and rural communities.
A resident of Dallas, Texas, Youngblood has extensive governance experience, currently serving as lead director of Scientific Games Corporation. He is also on the board of TPG Pace Beneficial Finance Corporation I & II, and Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. He has served on the boards of Energy Future Holdings, Starwood Hotels and Lodging, Gap Inc., and Burger King, among other organizations. In 1994, President Bill Clinton appointed him, with Senate confirmation, to the United States Enrichment Corporation board, which provided nuclear fuel to countries seeking to use nuclear power.
Youngblood earned his A.B. in Politics and Science in Human Affairs from Princeton University in 1978 and his M.D. from the University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School in 1982. He worked for 11 years as an emergency room doctor while exploring the fields of politics and, later, private equity.
He shared some insights on his life and reflections on Caltech.
What is your passion in life?
My passion is helping others.
What has been your most notable achievement?
I am the father of six wonderful kids who are all successful young adults following their own path.
What do you find most interesting and inspiring about Caltech?
I admire the impact the school has had on the lives of people globally through its research and education in science and technology.