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3rd Annual Faculty Summer Short Course: (Re)Designing Your Class

Tuesday, September 11, 2018
12:00pm to 1:50pm
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Are you a Caltech faculty member? Do you teach a class that you would like to re-design, re-invigorate or re-engineer? Or maybe you have a new class and you're starting from the ground up? We would like to invite you to participate in the CTLO's third annual 4-session short course for Caltech faculty. We'll walk you through the process of "backwards design" from start to finish, clarify what learning outcomes are, how to design assessments and discuss strategies for including active learning in class and fostering an inclusive classroom. By the end of this course, you will have a plan for your class, with feedback from the CTLO and colleagues.

Last summer's participants commented that "It was a wonderful, supportive and open environment in which to re-evaluate my own approach to teaching", "I really enjoyed teaching [this past quarter] and I think that the short course that you ran helped with that" and "this was one of the most (if not the most) useful class I took for years. I really feel that I learned something helpful, I could apply and use easily".


This course will run for four sessions: September 11th, September 13th, September 18th and September 20th from 12:15-1:45pm. Lunch will be provided.

RSVP here:

For more information, please contact Jenn Weaver by email at