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A Data Driven Guide to Implementing Active Learning in Your Classroom - CPET Seminar by Dr. Amanda Holton, UC Irvine

Monday, June 5, 2017
11:00am to 12:00pm
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The Caltech Project for Effective Teaching is excited to welcome Dr. Amanda Holton, Lecturer at the University of California Irvine.

The seminar:

Flipped classrooms offer many unique opportunities.  In this seminar, Amanda will share her experience flipping large classes (300+), describing technological solutions for pre-work accountability and in-class participation, as well as suggestions for those just starting out. Quantitative and qualitative results of both fully flipped and partially flipped classroom implementations will be discussed. These will include quantitative discussions on learning outcomes, motivation, perceived class quality and a qualitative analysis of students opinions.  All studies were done with direct comparison to control classrooms, taught by the same instructor, with isomorphic exams. Results were compared in authentic long term settings.

About Amanda Holton:

Dr. Amanda Holton is a faculty member at the University of California Irvine whose research is focused on Chemical Education.


For more information, please contact Kelsey Boyle by email at