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A Distinguished Alumnus Perspective on the Dynamic World - Conversation with Dr. James Wong

Friday, May 16, 2014
4:00pm to 6:00pm
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50 years after graduating from Caltech, Dr. James S.W. Wong (PhD '65, Mathematics) continues to enjoy oscillation theorems while leading a multi-billion dollar international business. As the Chairman of Chinney Holdings Ltd. and Honorary Professor at the University of Hong Kong, Dr. Wong will return to campus to receive the 2014 Caltech Distinguished Alumni Award (but not before meeting the younger generation of Techers!). Caltech C hosts a personal conversation for Dr. Wong, who will share with us the present status of the world and how we can be best prepared to face the realities.  Join us for this rare opportunity as these valuable tips from a fellow alumnus are not to be missed! 
May 16th, 4pm, with refreshments provided afterwards for one-on-one conversations
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For more information, please contact CaltechC by email at or visit Conversation with Dr. James Wong.