Algebraic Geometry Seminar
Some D-modules attached to orbits of linear representations of algebraic groups
Xinwen Zhu,
Professor of Mathematics,
It is a prominent question to find integral representations of
solutions of differential equations. In the language of D-modules, one
asks whether a D-module, a priori defined by generators and relations, is
of geometric origin (e.g.a Gauss-Manin connection). In this talk, I will
discuss this question for a class of D-modules attached to orbits of
linear representations of algebraic groups. Examples include
Harish-Chandra's invariant holonomic systems, GKZ A-hypergeometric
systems, and Lian-Song-Yau's tautological systems. Part of the talk is
based work joint with Huang, Lian and Yau.
For more information, please contact Pablo Solis by email at or visit
Event Series
Algebraic Geometry Seminar Series
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