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Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Monday, June 1, 2015
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Some D-modules attached to orbits of linear representations of algebraic groups
Xinwen Zhu, Professor of Mathematics, Mathematics, Caltech,

It is a prominent question to find integral representations of

solutions of differential equations. In the language of D-modules, one

asks whether a D-module, a priori defined by generators and relations, is

of geometric origin (e.g.a Gauss-Manin connection).  In this talk, I will

discuss this question for a class of D-modules attached to orbits of

linear representations of algebraic groups. Examples include

Harish-Chandra's invariant holonomic systems, GKZ A-hypergeometric

systems, and Lian-Song-Yau's tautological systems. Part of the talk is

based work joint with Huang, Lian and Yau.

For more information, please contact Pablo Solis by email at or visit