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Alpine Club Talk

Monday, October 19, 2015
6:30pm to 7:30pm
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Beckman Institute Auditorium
Last Man Shralping: Sierra Ski Mountaineering on the Driest Winter in Recorded California History
Cody Finke, Graduate Student, Caltech,

According to a recent tree biology study in the journal Nature, this past winter in the Sierra was not only the driest on record, it was the driest in at least the last 500 years (Belmecheri et al, 2015). But with low snow comes steep and challenging ski conditions that actually make for some really high quality (if not lonely) skiing in the California backcountry.

Come hear me wax poetic about how what we lack in fluffiness we gain in steepness of the grade. And then I'll offer my take on the coming year's great wet hope (El Nino/Matt Shaner). And I'll even throw in a little section for the unacquainted at the beginning to teach people about difficulty ratings and sierra ski mountaineering history!

The talk will be followed by a reception with free refreshments.

Alpine Club Talks are co-sponsored by the Sierra Peaks section of the Sierra Club.

For more information, please contact Cody Finke by email at [email protected].