Amateur Radio Field Day, CITARC/JPLARC
Off Campus
The Caltech Amateur Radio Club (CITARC) will team up with its JPL counterpart, JPLARC, and the Pasadena Radio Club for the annual ARRL Field Day emergency communications event. Ham operators throughout the US & Canada will compete for the largest number of radio contacts using only emergency power sources, in voice, Morse code, and digital modes.
The 2015 Field Day site will be at the Art Center College of Design south parking lot, 1700 Lida Ave, Pasadena. Hours of operation are 11 AM, Saturday 6/27 to 11 AM, Sunday 6/28. Join us, and learn about amateur (ham) radio! Talk on the air with the help of an experienced, licensed operator!
For more information, please contact Jim Marr, AA6QI, by phone at or visit CITARC.
Event Sponsors