Applied Mathematics Colloquium
Annenberg 105
Analysis of Large-Scale Interconnected Dynamical Systems
Igor Mezic,
Mechanical Engineering,
UC Santa Barbara,
The problem of analysis of large-scale networked systems is one of the most interesting current challenges in Dynamical Systems. In this talk, I will present a perspective on this problem that combines an operator-theoretic and graph theoretic approach, but also incorporates, in a strong way, the geometric point of view that is so fruitful in low dimensions. This approach leads to a new proposal for model reduction that is rooted in the dynamics of the system rather than in energy-minimization arguments. It also enables analysis of uncertain and stochastic systems - where initial conditions and/or parameter values are not known exactly - within the same framework. Most of the tools apply equally to discontinuous systems. I will motivate the approach by a number of examples, ranging from fluid mechanics to power grid systems.
For more information, please contact Sydney Garstang by phone at x4555 or by email at [email protected] or visit
Event Series
Applied Mathematics Colloquium Series