Applied Physics Seminar
Abstract: During the last two decades, our ability to nanostructure materials has led to a better understanding of the role of electromagnetic multipoles in the control of light-matter interaction. In this talk, I will discuss how symmetry considerations have enabled the construction of negative index nanophotonic structures from closed metallic nanorings, the analogue of the Bohr model of atoms (previously deemed impossible). I will also discuss how symmetries, via the control of the interaction of electromagnetic multipoles, enable the construction of unique cavities supporting lasing using bound states in continuum with numerous potential applications. I will discuss the topology of these states, their experimental observation, as well as the prospect to implement non-reciprocity, a long searched functionality in optical systems, in magnetized and functional topological optical cavities.
Bio: Boubacar Kanté is an assistant professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of California San Diego. He received an advanced graduate degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from "Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire de Lille" (France) together with the M. Sc. degree in Telecommunications in 2006. In 2010, he received a Ph.D degree in Physics from "Université de Paris Sud" (Orsay-France). His research interests include wave meta-matter interaction and nano-optics, as well as related fields such as optical metamaterials, plasmonics, nanoscale-photon management, and bio-physics. Boubacar Kanté received the 2017 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award, the 2016 National Science Foundation (NSF) Career Award, the 2015 Hellman Fellowship, the Richelieu Prize in Sciences from the Chancellery of Paris Universities for the best Ph.D in France in Material Science, Physics, Chemistry, Technology in 2010, the Young Scientist Award from International Union of Radio Science (URSI) in Chicago in 2007, the Fellowship for excellence from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2003 for his undergraduate studies, a Research Fellowship from the French Research Ministry for his Ph.D studies.