Astronomy Colloquium
Radio Astronomy grew from an accidental discovery in 1932, virtually ignored for years, to a prolific window to a previously invisible universe, producing four Nobel Prizes. A major new international instrument, the Square Kilometer Array, is now in the detailed design phase and next steps for complementary instruments in the US are being explored. A theme of the lecture will be lessons-learned from past history and application to the future. Some of the gems of history leading to the start of radio astronomy at Caltech and NRAO will be recalled in the contributions of Jansky, Reber, Greenstein, and Heeschen. The current state-of-the-art and future directions of receivers will be briefly presented. The evolution of the VLA will be described along with the status of the SKA and plans for a next generation of the VLA. Finally, I will present my views concerning some of the vital global policies relevant to astronomy.
For more information, please contact Althea E. Keith by phone at 626-395-4973 or by email at or visit 17 Annual Greenstein Lecture.
Event Series
Astronomy Colloquium Series