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Banff Mountain Film Festival

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
7:30pm to 10:00pm
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Beckman Auditorium
  • Public Event

Since 2001, Caltech has been a proud host of the Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour. Stopping at over 500 locations in 30 countries around the globe, the Tour celebrates the best films shown at that year's Festival in Banff, Alberta, Canada, one of the premier exhibitions of films about mountain culture in the world. Topics of the films include mountain sports (skiing, climbing, kayaking, mountain biking, BASE, and others) and exotic mountain communities living in remote corners of the Earth. Dramatic scenery, quirky comedy, artistic cinematography, and epic adventures are classic trademarks of the best Banff films.

The format of this year's event will be the same as in years past: 2-2.5 hours of total footage divided into 7-10 different films covering a wide variety of the above mentioned themes. Each film will range in length from 5 to 30+ minutes. There were a large number of films to choose from, even after only the best films have been chosen during the week-long Film Festival held in November. Members of the Caltech Alpine Club community gather every year in late January to determine the final list of films to be shown at our own screening in Pasadena, customized to our audience and personal taste. We also pay close attention to suggestions from years past! With so many good films it was difficult to select those that made the cut. After long hours of debate we have produced an adrenaline packed line-up including kayaking, skiing, climbing, ice harvesting!, tomfoolery, environmental awareness and straight up adventures. (Total length = 136 minutes)


Join us before the event for a reception for ticket-holders just west of Beckman Auditorium. Come early to the reception, co-hosted by The American Alpine Club SW Section, to get some tasty beverages, socialize, and meet some of our great sponsors and local mountain organizations!

Learn More: Banff Mountain Film Festival World Tour

For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email or visit Brown Paper Tickets.
$12 in advance; $15 at the door; $5 for Caltech students