Basic Tune-up/Bike Repair Class: Brakes, Shifters, and Derailleurs
When: Saturday, June 1
1pm - 3pm
(with hands-on Q&A and repair time until 4pm)
Where: Caltech Bike Lab
(see website for map, approximate address is 1147 East California Boulevard)
The free class will cover basic tune-up of your braking and gear shifting systems: how to get your brakes adjusted (all types that show up), and how to get your derailleurs and shifters adjusted, for that clean-clickin' buttery feeling.
We'll also show how to fix the most common problems: replacing cables, replacing pads, and straightening bent derailleur hangers.
Bring your bike, or bring a friend's bike, or bring a friend and their bike.
Questions? Contact Jon at (jonathan DOT r DOT murphy AT gmail) for more information
The public is welcome, with priority to members of Caltech/JPL community if there is limited space.