BMB Fall Rotation Seminar
Alex Barbato // Shan Lab
"Fluorescent Labeling of Mammalian SRP Protein to Probe Elongation Arrest During Protein Targeting"
Cai Tong Ng // Jensen Lab
"Exploring the eukaryotic cell with cryo-ET"
James Ousey // Ondrus Lab
"Sterol depletion and CRISPR screening to interrogate the Hh signaling pathway"
Jan Gregrowicz // Elowitz Lab
"Extending capabilities of synthetic post-translational Circuits"
Michael Flynn // Winfree Lab
"Constraining kinetic parameters in multistrand"
Nadia Volovich // Voorhees Lab
"Rescuing stalled ribosomes"
Patrick Almhjell // Arnold Lab
"Expanding the substrate scope of tryptophan synthase"
Rachel Banks // Dougherty Lab
"Structure-function study of a serotonin receptor allosteric site"
Sarah Speed // Hoelz Lab
"Structural analysis of the immunoglobulin domains of the nuclear pore membrane protein POM152"
Shannon Esswein // Arnold Lab
"Use of directed evolution to increase thermostability of tryptophan synthase"