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Bradley Fields: MatheMagic!

Friday, March 4, 2016
7:00pm to 8:30pm
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Beckman Auditorium
  • Public Event

Internationally acclaimed magician and educator, Bradley Fields, captivates students with his famous magic illusions and turns them on to the history, the power, and the beauty of the language of math!

The show promotes math skills and problem-solving through visuals, history, language and world-class entertainment.

With large multimedia projections, stage illusions, comedy, drama, and audience interaction, MatheMagic!® is sure to delight as well as entertain.

Kids travel back to ancient times to meet Imhotep the Magician, (whose secret was really math), Zeno (whose paradoxes inspired Newton) and, of course, Pythagoras and his famous theorem.

By integrating math concepts with vocabulary, geography, history, and everyday problem-solving, students of different interests, abilities and learning styles are able to relate to math in new ways.

Kids leave the theatre enthralled, with a renewed sense of wonder, and the enthusiasm to discover the Magic of Math!

For over 20 years, teachers, math specialists and educators have given it their highest accolades, and MatheMagic!® has been seen by over 2 million people throughout the country!

"Rarely have I seen magic with such grace and wit!"
- Chicago Tribune

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Presented by: Caltech Committee on Institute Programs

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$25 general admission • $10 youth • Caltech/JPL and group discounts available