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Caltech Library Workshop - "Scientific Authoring with LaTeX and Overleaf"

LaTex is a powerful and sophisticated scientific authoring system that enables researchers to design, develop, and deliver publication-ready documents enriched with formulae and equations, data, citations, figures, source code, complex multilingual text in languages (e.g., Arabic, Sanskrit) and comments. LaTex is free, open source, extensible application that can work on any computer platform, making it an essential tool in the OpenScience portfolio.

Many publishers now encourage or require authors to prepare manuscript submissions in LaTeX, including the American Mathematical Society, American Physical Society, Association for Computing Machinery, IEE, IEEE, Institute of Physics, Kluwer, Optical Society of America, and CRC Press. They provide templates, styles, and other reusable files to help produce publication-ready submissions.

This workshop provides an overview of the cloud-based Overleaf LaTeX system now available to all Caltech faculty, staff and students with an emphasis on using Overleaf to produce submissions ready for scientific and technical publications. Overleaf trainers and LaTeX experts John Hammersly and Shelly Miller will lead participants through the process of loading publisher-provided files into Overleaf; organizing the set of files needed to produce a publication with figures, bibliography, and other included material; generating and proofing the final LaTex-formatted publication; and submitting it to the publisher. Time for questions and answers will follow the demonstrations.




For more information, please contact Gail Clement by phone at x1203 or by email at [email protected] or visit