Caltech-Occidental Symphony Orchestra
- Public Event
Allen Gross, Director
Featured guest soloist will be Catherine Del Russo, who is an active player with many orchestras in Southern California, including the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, Orchestra Santa Monica, the Santa Barbara Symphony, the Santa Barbara Chamber Orchestra, Long Beach Symphony, and the San Diego Chamber Orchestra. She has performed around the world and has done studio work in Los Angeles playing in movies, television shows, and commercials. A noted oboe pedagogue, Cathy is on the music faculties of Pepperdine University and Occidental College.
The program is a study in contrasts. Libby Larsen's mashup "Collage: Boogie" brings elements from (you guessed it) boogie-woogie into a rollicking five-minute colorful splash for orchestra. Mozart's Oboe Concerto is a re-write of his second Flute Concerto (he preferred the oboe to the flute!). Tchaikovsky's brooding and ultimately triumphant Fourth Symphony is one of his most personal symphonic utterances.
The Caltech-Occidental Symphony is composed of students from Caltech, staff from JPL, students from nearby Occidental College, and members of the community. Its director, Allen Robert Gross, begins his 32nd year as conductor of the orchestra. Gross is also Music Director and Conductor of Orchestra Santa Monica.
The concert is free, with no tickets or reservations required, but early arrival is recommended.
For further information, please visit or call (626) 395-3295.
The same concert will be presented on Saturday, November 15th at 8:00 p.m. in Thorne Hall at Occidental College.
Presented By: Caltech Performing and Visual Arts