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Caltech Teaching Assistant Training for 2014-2015 Year

Friday, May 30, 2014
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Do you need TA Training for next year?

All Caltech TAs must attend TA Training before beginning to TA. If you would like to attend training this term to be eligible to TA for the 2014-2015 school year, we will be offering a TA Training Friday, May 30th, 2014 at Noon in Annenberg 105. The TA Training consists of two required parts: 1) an online session and quiz on Caltech policies and 2) a face-to-face session on being a TA. Both parts are required to fulfill TA Training requirements. 

Please follow these steps to RSVP for the face-to-face session and to access the online policies and quiz: 

  1. Click on the "UTA Training RSVP" link below to RSVP for the face-to-face training session. This session will be held Friday, May 30th from Noon to 1pm in Annenberg 105. Lunch will be provided. 
  2. At the end of your RSVP, you will be directed to the TA Pre-training: Institute Policies online session. By clicking that link, you will be directed to and prompted to log in with your Caltech ID and password. **NOTE: You must be on campus and have all other applications/browsers closed to access this online training.
  3. Once logged in to the TA Pre-training: Institute Policies session, click ENROLL, then APPLY, and then PLAY the PDF. The online session and quiz will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The online session and quiz must be completed before attending the face-to-face session.
  4. After you have read through the PDF of Caltech policies for TAs thoroughly, you must take the QUIZ. The quiz can only be taken once; all answers will be discussed at the face-to-face training. 

Please click here to RSVP and begin the online session: UTA Training RSVP

For more information, please contact Melissa Dabiri by phone at 626-395-1299 or by email at [email protected].