Caltech Y Social Activism Speaker Series (SASS) Lecture
Jaimala and Hitesh founded Vatsalya with the vision of enabling disadvantaged people in Indian society to achieve their true potential. Vatsalya's activities include running an orphanage, conducting health checkups, organizing health education camps, and outreach programs to children living in slums.
While working with Vatsalya, Jaimala and Hitesh noticed that a number of the landless day laborers living in dismal economic conditions had traditional art and craft skills but, for lack of a support system, were unable to use their talent. The couple founded Anoothi to bridge this gap. Both Hitesh and Jaimala have a background in public health and research, and they have applied these to make a difference.
We are excited to host these inspiring speakers and hope you will join us!
For directions, please visit Parking at Caltech is free after 5:00 p.m.
This lecture was made possible with generous support from the Moore Hufstedler Fund. The views expressed by the speaker are solely those of the speakers. Presentations do not necessarily reflect the opinion of Caltech, the Caltech Y Social Activism Speaker Series, or OASIS and should not be taken as an endorsement by these groups.