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Campus Emergency Preparedness Training

Monday, November 3, 2014
9:30am to 10:30am
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This 1 hour course will describe the Campus Emergency Management Plan, including information about the Institute's emergency operations center and our network of response teams. We will discuss the roles of floor wardens, building coordinators and building occupants during emergencies involving: fire and evacuation, earthquake and shelter in place and how you can be personally prepared both at home and at work.  Please note we also offer Personal Emergency Preparedness, a class dedicated to building personal and family emergency plans and kits.

To enroll in this course:

  1. Log onto access.caltech
  2. Under SELF SERVICE, click the Training and Professional Development link
  3. Search for course in search box
  4. Enroll in course
For more information, please contact Training Coordinator by phone at 395-6727 or by email at