CARMA Open House
The Open House is a unique opportunity to view CARMA's state-of-the-art telescopes and control facilities, as well as displays of recent scientific results. Tours of the site will be led by scientists, who will also be available to answer questions and explain their own research. Reservations for the Open House are not needed. Refreshments will be served free of charge.
CARMA is located just off Hwy 168, approximately 13 miles east of US 395. A sign will be posted at the access road to the CARMA site, just east of the road to the Bristlecone Pine Forest. (Note: No events will be held at the Owens Valley Radio Observatory, so please do NOT turn onto Leighton Lane.)
For information, call 760-938-2075 to speak with either Dr. Mark Hodges (x109) or Dr. Stephen Muchovej (x130).