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CBIPP Tech Talk

Thursday, February 29, 2024
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Caltech Bioscience Industrial Partners Program Tech Talk: "Changing small molecule development with an integrated experimental platform built for generative AI-driven drug discovery"

Jacob Berlin, CEO of Terray Therapeutics, will be joining us for a discussion. Lunch will be provided. Jacob is a distinguished inventor at the intersection of nanotechnology and synthetic chemistry. Prior to joining Terray full-time, he ran an NIH-funded lab at City of Hope, where he was an associate professor. He has more than 40 publications, 20 patents and over 11 thousand citations associated with his work. He was named one of the "Rising Stars and Young Nanoarchitects in Materials Science" by the Royal Society of Chemistry and was nominated for the Kabiller Young Investigator Award in Nanoscience and Nanomedicine. Jacob received his PhD in organometallic chemistry from CalTech where he studied with Nobel Laureate Bob Grubbs. Jacob completed his postdoctoral training at MIT and Rice University focusing on synthetic chemistry and nanotechnology, and received a BA in chemistry from Harvard University (magna cum laude).

For more information, please contact Michelle Lester by phone at 6263956363 or by email at