Chem 82/182 Senior Thesis Symposium
Noyes 153 (J. Holmes Sturdivant Lecture Hall)
Chem 82/182 Senior Thesis Symposium
Anita Chen,
Department of Chemistry,
California Institute of Technolgoy,
Lennon Luo,
Department of Chemistry,
California Institute of Technology,
Jeffrey Rosenberg,
Department of Chemistry,
California Institute of Technology,
Judy Shon,
Department of Chemistry,
California Institute of Technology,
Ellen Yu,
Department of Chemistry,
California Institute of Technology,
2:00 pm – Anita Chen
"Lewis-Acidic Borane Coordination to Ferro/Ferricyanide Complexes in Nonaqueous Flow Battery Systems"
2:20 pm – Lennon Luo
"Tuning and Predicting the Initiation Kinetics in Ruthenium Olefin Metathesis Catalysts Bearing Chelating ortho-Alkoxy Benzylidenes"
2:40 pm – Jeffrey Rosenberg
" Synthesis of Redox Non-Innocent 9,10-Anthracenyl-Linked Bisphenoxide Zirconium Complexes: Investigation of Redox Reactivity"
3:00 pm – Judy Shon
"Cell-specific protein labeling in Bacteroides fragilis"
3:20 pm – Ellen Yu
"Elucidating the anchoring mechanism of the nuclear pore complex"
For more information, please contact Monica Brito by phone at 626.395.2195 or by email at