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Chemistry Club Seminar Series

Friday, May 19, 2023
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Gates Annex B122
On the art of weakening bonds to make functional materials
Yoan Simon, Associate Professor, School of Polymer Science and Engineering, University of Southern Mississippi,


Nature has a range of methods for converting mechanical force into a useful signal, such as cell sensing and haptic perception. It also leverages non-covalent interactions and has perfected multiple reversible systems to accomplish complex functions. Drawing inspiration from these abilities, we have created a series of polymeric materials that include weak links capable of reporting on mechanical activation and/or to achieve reprocessability. First, we will discuss our foray in the area of mechanophores, which consist of activated covalent and non-covalent bonds. We take advantage of polymeric structures to incorporate these bonds at specific positions to enhance response both through sonochemistry and in the bulk. Additionally, we will look into remoldable polymeric networks. Specifically, we will focus on unravelling the governing principles of associative dynamic exchanges by modulating the chemistry of uncatalyzed exchanges in diketoenamines and diketoxime structures by utilizing orthogonal thiol-ene photopolymerization. Specifically, we will broach the topics of chemical exchange and chain dynamics and their overall impact on the rheological properties of the materials. We believe that these findings can have huge influence on understanding impact mitigation, transport properties, and reprocessability of such systems.

For more information, please contact Patricia Anderson by phone at 626-395-6022 or by email at