CIT Amateur Radio Club meeting/program
CITARC presents a program by Marty Woll N6VI, ARRL Southwest Division Vice Director ...
Using Radio Resources Effectively In a Disaster
Marty Woll N6VI
Communications becomes an issue in practically every widespread disaster. Why do our usually-robust systems fail? How can you make the most of alternative communication resources? What skills should you learn and practice even if you're not a regular radio user? Everyone expecting to be involved in the campus response to a major incident can benefit from hearing this presentation.
Marty Woll is both a volunteer leader and instructor in disaster communication topics. He has been an active Amateur Radio licensee for over 45 years and has set up and operated stations on six continents. He is the elected Vice-Director for the Southwestern Division of ARRL, the National Association for Amateur Radio, an Assistant District Emergency Coordinator for the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, and Training Officer and Battalion Comm Unit Leader for the Los Angeles Fire Department's Auxiliary Communications Service.
For more information, please contact Kate Hutton by phone at 626 395 6959 or by email at [email protected].