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City of Pasadena Meeting: Presentation About Proposed Landmark Districts

Thursday, March 31, 2016
6:30pm to 8:00pm
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Staff in the Design and Historic Preservation Section of Pasadena's Planning and Community Development Department will hold a meeting to discuss proposals brought forward by property owners in two neighborhoods, to designate these neighborhoods as landmark districts.

This meeting is to inform property owners about the effects of landmark district designation and to answer questions. For designation of a landmark district, the City requires signatures of support from at least 51% of the property owners as well as approvals from the Historic Preservation Commission, the Planning Commission, and the City Council. Each of these approvals requires a public hearing with notification to the property owners.

For more information and a map of the boundaries of the propsed districts (one of which includes the east border of Caltech), dowload the meeting flyer (PDF).

For more information, please contact Kevin Johnson by phone at 626-744-7806 or by email at [email protected].