CMA presents: A VIP Tour of the USS Pasadena Submarine
Place: Naval Base San Diego (Tip of Point Loma)
Have you ever wondered what the inside of a nuclear submarine is really like? CMA has arranged a VIP tour of the USS Pasadena, a Los Angeles-class nuclear-power attack submarine. Twenty-five CMA members will be selected by lottery from those who RSVP
by Friday, October 10, and each will be able to bring one guest for an amazing look inside this technological marvel.
The tour will include the submarine's control and attack center, engine room, and crew quarters. We will also visit the Submarine Training Facility with its ship control trainer, the fire trainer, and the wet trainer. We will then meet the squadron commander and have lunch at the base.
Participation is limited to current CMA members who are U.S. citizens. To participate:
1) Apply for FY'15 membership. Go to for the form and payment procedure. Apply for FY'15 membership before entering the lottery. Because of annual membership renewals, all FY'14 members and non-members must complete this step.
2) Enter your name in the lottery by registering at by Friday, October 10.
Adding a new twist, all members who have been in the CMA longer than one year will have multiple chances to win, based on the number of current years of continuous CMA membership (up to five chances). So, for example, new members will have one chance to win while those with five years of continuous CMA membership will be entered five times in the lottery.
Lottery participants will be notified of the winners via e-mail, and winners' names will be posted to the CMA web site, at, on Friday, October 17.
This event is free. For more information about this event, please send e-mail to [email protected] or call Randii Wessen, (818) 354-7580.
Your membership in CMA is what inspires us to bring great speakers and events to Caltech (Campus and JPL). If you enjoy attending this event, please support CMA so we can continue to provide the best in thought-provoking engagements. Membership is open to all active and retired employees of Caltech and to contract employees as affiliate members. See for more information about our mission.
Join now or renew your membership for FY 2015. For membership information, visit