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CMA Presents "Mathemagics: Math Made Magical!"

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
12:00pm to 1:15pm
Add to Cal
Ramo Auditorium
Arthur Benjamin, professor of mathematics, Harvey Mudd College,

Dr. Arthur Benjamin will dazzle and delight you with his dynamic "Mathemagics" presentation. In his day job, he's a professor of mathematics at Harvey Mudd College. In his other calling, he's a Mathemagician, taking the stage in a tuxedo to perform high-speed mental calculations, memorization, and other astounding math stunts. Join us for an enthralling session of mental gymnastics, together with some awe-inspiring magic tricks.

Dr. Benjamin specializes in combinatorics, game theory, and operations research. He earned his B.S. in applied mathematics from Carnegie Mellon University and his Ph.D. in mathematical sciences from Johns Hopkins University. He has written three books and is co-editor of Math Horizons magazine. In 2000, the Mathematical Association of America awarded him the Haimo Prize for Distinguished Teaching. Reader's Digest called Dr. Benjamin "America's Best Math Whiz" in their "Best of America" issue. See Dr. Benjamin's Mathemagics performance on line at

This event is free. All members of the Campus and JPL communities and retirees are welcome. Following the performance, there will be a book-signing session, and pizza will be served. The CMA gratefully acknowledges the Caltech Y and the Caltech Math Club for help in promoting this event. For more information, please send e-mail to [email protected] or call Doris Shimabukuro, (626) 395-3652.

For more information, please contact Doris Shimabukuro by phone at 626 395-3652.