CMA presents "Designing the NASA "Worm" Logo: How It Came to Be, and Not Be"
In 1974, the NASA "worm" logo and NASA Graphics Standards program were designed by Richard Danne and Bruce Blackburn. Winning the U.S. Presidential Award for Design Excellence, the "worm" logo reigned as the Agency's official symbol until 1992, when it was replaced by the current "meatball" insignia. Despite this change in status, the "worm" is still a beloved symbol of the Agency and has become embedded in the American psyche. As an example of its enduring nature, a Kickstarter campaign was formed by Jesse Reed and Hamish Smyth to reissue the 1975 NASA Graphics Standards Manual featuring the famous "worm." This campaign was immensely successful, raising almost $942,000, and the manual is now in its third printing. Please join us as Richard Danne shares the fascinating backstory of the NASA worm.
In 1974, Richard Danne was elected to Alliance Graphique Internationale (an elite honorary organization) and served as president of the U.S. delegation for many years. In 1977, he was elected president of AIGA, the professional association for design, and later organized and was founding president of the AIGA New York chapter.
This event is free. All members of the Campus and JPL communities and retirees are welcome. Caltech personnel and guests can access the auditorium via the external gate; no visitor badging or escort is needed. For more information, contact Dan Goods at (818) 393-6219 or [email protected]. Or email [email protected].
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