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CMA presents "Inventing the Impossible"

Tuesday, May 24, 2016
4:40pm to 6:00pm
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Marco Tempest, Cyber illusionist, Director's Fellow Alumnus, MIT Media Lab,

Please join us as Marco Tempest talks about the use of illusion as a creative tool and how it can be employed to bring seemingly impossible scenarios to life and envisage future technologies. Marco will share examples of his magical illusion work, which is designed in collaboration with engineers, animators, and programmers. He will also discuss the value of open source projects and why illusion is an inviting gateway to social media interactivity.

Marco Tempest is a cyber illusionist, combining magic and technology to produce astonishing illusions. He began his performing career as a stage magician and manipulator, winning many awards and establishing an international reputation as one of the world's most unique performers. His interest in computer-generated imagery led him to incorporate video and digital technology in his work and develop a new form of contemporary illusion. The expansion of the Internet and social media provided more opportunities for digital illusions and ways of interacting with audiences and creating magically augmented realities. Marco is a keen advocate of the open source community, working with artists, writers, and technologists to create new experiences and research the practical uses of the technology of illusion. He continues to perform around the world, is a media consultant on the subject of magic and illusion, and lectures at international conferences on the psychology of deception and creative thinking.

This event is free. All members of the Campus and JPL communities and retirees are welcome. Because of security requirements, individuals without JPL badges must have a Laboratory employee or resident affiliate submit a visitor request and be their escort. Foreign-person visitor requests must be submitted at least four working days before the event; U.S.-person visitor requests must be submitted at least two working days before the event. For more information, contact David Delgado at (818) 393-5144 or Or email

Your membership in CMA is what inspires us to bring great speakers and events to Caltech (Campus and JPL). If you enjoy attending these events, please support CMA so we can continue to provide the best in thought-provoking engagements. Membership is open to all active and retired employees of Caltech and to contract employees as affiliate members. See for more information about our mission.

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For more information, please contact David Delgado by phone at (818) 393-5144 or by email at