CMA Presents "X Prize: A Generation of Private Spaceships"
The entrepreneurial space industry is moving into high gear. One major driver making this happen is the X PRIZE, a competition that offers $10 million to the first privately funded team to build and fly a spaceship on two consecutive flights to 100-km altitude carrying three adults. Currently 24 teams from seven nations are competing, and a winner is expected in the next 6 to 12 months. In addition to the X PRIZE, a variety of other space tourism efforts is making space accessible to the public. One such effort is being led by Zero Gravity Corporation, which will soon be offering FAA-approved commercial parabolic flights. Come hear Dr. Peter Diamandis discuss the approaches the X PRIZE teams are taking and their current status.
Dr. Diamandis is the Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation, and the CEO of Zero Gravity Corporation. Diamandis is also a co-founder of Space Adventures. In 1987, Diamandis co-founded the International Space University (ISU), where he served as the University's first managing director. Dr. Diamandis received his undergraduate and graduate degrees in aerospace engineering from MIT and his M.D. from Harvard Medical School.
This CMA event is free. All JPL/Campus personnel and retirees are welcome.