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CMA Presents "Volcanoes and Sea Monsters I've Known and Loved"

Wednesday, May 26, 2004
4:45pm to 6:00pm
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JPL, von Karman Auditorium
Ralph White, award-winning underwater cinematographer,

Ralph White's amazing 30-year career as a contract National Geographic cinematographer, and his subsequent work on the Titanic shipwreck with director James Cameron, are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to scientific expeditions Mr. White has recorded.

Mr. White will begin his talk by discussing a National Geographic assignment, the "Beebe Project," named in honor of the underwater explorer who made the first deep descent into our planet's oceans, Dr. William Beebe. From chasing the fabled Loch Ness Monster, through years of trying to prove the theory of plate tectonics at the greatest depths of our water planet, Mr. White will reveal the surprises he encountered along the way and the strange personalities that made up these expeditions. His colorful tales with be illustrated by amazing images from his personal library.

Mr. White notes that there are "more interesting things in the depths than shipwrecks and sunken treasure, and they are the real challenge because they are camera-shy critters, so you have to be clever when pursuing them in their environment." He will describe his encounter with the largest flesh-eating shark ever seen and photographed.

Come hear Ralph White's humorous old salt's yarns, most of which are even true. This event is free. All JPL and Campus personnel and retirees are welcome.

For more information, please contact Gail Anderson by phone at ext 8734 or by email at