CMA presents "STRANDBEEST: Creating New Forms of Mechanical Life Walking on Wind Powerz"
Renowned artist Theo Jansen discusses his creation of the STRANDBEEST, and how they evolved.
Since 1990, Theo Jansen has been engaged in creating new forms of "life." These forms are not made of protein like existing life-forms. Theirs is another basic stuff: yellow plastic tubing. Skeletons made from these tubes are able to walk. They get their energy from the wind, so they don't have to eat. Their habitat is the beach. They evolved gradually, over several generations. As they developed, they became more adept at weathering storms and coping with the sea. Theo's ultimate wish is to release herds of these beach animals on the shore to make their own way through life.
This talk is cosponsored by the NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) study Automation Rovers for Extreme Environments. NIAC nurtures visionary ideas that could transform future NASA missions, while engaging America's innovators and entrepreneurs as partners in the journey.
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This event is free. All members of the Campus and JPL communities and retirees are welcome. Because of security requirements, individuals without JPL badges must have a Laboratory employee or resident affiliate submit a visitor request and be their escort. Foreign-person visitor requests must be submitted at least four working days before the event, and U.S.-person visitor requests at least two working days before the event. For more information, contact Dan Goods at (818) 393-6219 or [email protected]. Or email [email protected].
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