CMS + IST Meeting of the Minds
Please save the date and prepare your posters! 🎉
The CMS + IST Meeting of the Minds
Research Showcase and Graduation Celebration
Thursday, May 18th, 2023
Moore Walk north of the Annenberg Center
Poster presenters are also encouraged to attend The Art of the Poster tutorial session on Wednesday, May 3, at 12pm, and the Poster Presentation Practice Workshop on Monday, May 15, at 4pm. Details can be found on the Meeting of the Minds webpage.
To register to present a poster, click here.
To help us plan the event, we ask that all Meeting of the Minds poster presenters register no later than Friday, May 12th.
No registration is required just to attend the event!
We hope that everyone will attend to celebrate our community's research and our graduating grads and undergrads.