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CMX Lunch Seminar

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
12:00pm to 1:00pm
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Annenberg 213
Optimization, Sampling, and Generative Modeling in Non-Euclidean Spaces
Molei Tao, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics, Georgia Institute of Technology,

Machine learning in non-Euclidean spaces have been rapidly attracting attention in recent years, and this talk will give some examples of progress on its mathematical and algorithmic foundations. A sequence of developments that eventually leads to non-Euclidean generative modeling will be reported.

More precisely, I will begin with variational optimization, which, together with delicate interplays between continuous- and discrete-time dynamics, enables the construction of momentum-accelerated algorithms that optimize functions defined on manifolds. Selected applications, namely a generic improvement of Transformer, and a low-dim. approximation of high-dim. optimal transport distance, will be described. Then I will turn these optimizers into an algorithm that samples probability distributions on Lie groups. The efficient and accuracy of the sampler will be quantified via a new, non-asymptotic error analysis. Finally, I will describe how this sampler can lead to a structurally-pleasant diffusion generative model that allows users to, given training data that follow any latent statistical distribution on a Lie group, generate more data exactly on the same manifold that follow the same distribution.

(No substantial prior knowledge in geometry is needed for this talk).

For more information, please contact Jolene Brink by phone at (626)395-2813 or by email at or visit CMX Website.