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Convocation 2016

Sunday, September 18, 2016
4:30pm to 5:50pm
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Caltech's annual convocation ceremony offers a warm welcome and introduction to the Institute for new undergraduate students, their family and friends, new graduate students and postdoctoral scholars.

The program includes greetings from President Thomas F. Rosenbaum, and a brief introduction to student life at Caltech inside and outside of the classroom.

A special feature this year will be a presentation titled From Bob to Dory: Caltech's Robot Competitors by seniors Jake Larson, Frank Zhou, Tyler Okamoto, and Joel W. Burdick, Richard L. and Dorothy M. Hayman Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering; Jet Propulsion Laboratory Research Scientist. They will share their experiences working on Dory, the award-winning autonomous Robo-Sub.

Beckman Auditorium is equipped with Assisted Listening Device systems for the hard of hearing.

For more information, please contact Barbara Lanius Weir by phone at 626-395-6100 or by email at [email protected].