CPA group trip: outdoor Shakespeare performance
"Beatrice and Benedick are old enough to know better, but find the pull of romance irresistible. Hero and Claudio are young enough to dive into love, but not wise enough to keep from drowning. To this, Shakespeare adds a cast of misfits, two flirtatious maids, a set of brothers torn asunder by jealousy, and one linguistically challenged law officer. It all adds up to one of the greatest romantic comedies ever written."
There will be a carpool leaving Caltech at 5:45pm; we will meet at the palm tree grid near Broad, please be there by 5:40. Picnics are fine in the park (no alcoholic drinks allowed); a blanket to sit on and a jacket for when it gets cool after dark are also strongly recommended.
All postdocs at Caltech and JPL are welcome to join us. Please email [email protected] to sign up.