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DIX Planetary Science Seminar

Tuesday, December 6, 2022
4:00pm to 5:00pm
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Arms 155 (Robert P. Sharp Lecture Hall)
Probing Protoplanetary Disk Evolution Using Multi-Wavelengths Observations
Marion Villenave, NASA Postdoc, Exoplanet Discovery and Science, JPL,

To form giant planets during protoplanetary disk lifetime, small micron sized particles must grow rapidly to larger grains. A full understanding of that process requires a detailed characterization of the radial and vertical structure of the gas-rich disks associated with young pre-main sequence stars. Multi-wavelengths observations of protoplanetary disks, for example in the millimeter and near-infrared, allow to probe two widely separated grain sizes that are differently affected by evolutionary mechanisms such as radial drift and vertical settling. In this talk, I will present constraints on both mechanisms using multi wavelengths observations, with a longer focus on disks seen edge-on. Highly inclined disks are of particular interest because they provide a unique point of view to unambiguously disentangle their vertical and radial dimensions. The modeling of multi-wavelength observations of such disks allows to identify high density regions, favorable for grain growth and planet formation, and to study the efficiency of planet formation in protoplanetary disks.

For more information, please contact Ryleigh Davis by email at