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Dr. Hatim Kanaaneh: A Doctor in Galilee

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
7:30pm to 9:30pm
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Presented By: The Caltech Y and the Social Activism Speaker Series

A Doctor in Galilee:
The Life and Struggle of a Palestinian in Israel

The Social Activism Speaker Series is a Caltech student organization that focuses attention on current social and political issues by inviting prominent activists to share their experiences and perspectives with the Caltech community and the public. This student-run series is coordinated with the help of the Caltech Y, and is made possible by contributions from the Moore Hufstedler Fund, Student Affairs, Campus Life, the Alumni Association, the Graduate Student Council, and the Caltech Y, as well as staff support from Public Events.

For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email [email protected].