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Dreamers in STEM

Friday, April 14, 2023
12:00pm to 5:30pm
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Join us on Friday, April 14 for an afternoon workshop focusing on students facing immigration challenges while also pursuing graduate degrees or further STEM education and careers. Current undergraduate and community college students with DACA/TPS or undocumented status, from Los Angeles area schools, will participate in a half day conference featuring a keynote speaker, lab tours, panel discussion, and a networking mixer and reception.

Members of the Caltech community are also encouraged to participate. President Rosenbaum will present short remarks during the afternoon program.

Our goals for the event are:

  • To build connections between undocumented STEM (and those interested in pursuing STEM) undergraduate students in the Los Angeles area.
  • Provide resources and information and build a network of informed allies.
  • Introduce a broader group of STEM students to Caltech, our research, and our community.

Caltech is a member of the President's Alliance on Higher Education and Immigration, dedicated to increasing public understanding of how immigration policies and practices impact our students, campuses and communities.

We are presenting a special session during this workshop for the Caltech community. "An Introduction to Allyship" that includes a short discussion of some of the challenges, options and thoughts about support for those facing immigration challenges. We will discuss resources, how to learn more, and there will be time for questions.

This event is free to all participants, but advance registration is required to attend.

To attend as part of the Caltech community, please RSVP here, April 14: Introduction to Allyship: RSVP | Inclusion and Diversity (

Area students or non-Caltech participants should RSVP through Eventbrite at:

Schedule for Dreamers in STEM, Friday, April 14:

12:00 pm - Registration begins, Bechtel Residence12:10 pm to 1:10 pm - Lunch and Keynote address, Bechtel Residence1:15 pm to 2:20 pm - For Caltech community "Introduction to Allyship", Avery Library1:15 pm to 2:20 pm - For visiting students, Lab Tours, multiple locations2:30 pm to 3:00 pm - Science Talks, Bechtel Residence3:00 pm to 3:10 pm - Remarks by President Rosenbaum, Bechtel Residence3:15 pm to 4:15 pm - Panel discussion, Bechtel Residence4:15 pm to 5:15 pm - Mixer and Reception, Avery Patio
For more information, please contact Marcia Brown by phone at 626-395-4013 or by email at