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Ice Worlds

Friday, May 8, 2015
10:00am to 11:00am
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Beckman Auditorium
  • Public Event

Journey to the polar extremes of the planet, the Arctic and the Antarctic, lands locked in ice for most of the year. Time-lapse cameras reveal a colony of emperor penguins that transform into a single organism in Antarctica, and centuries of Arctic ice traveling. (A BBC/Discovery Channel/NHK co-production in association with the CBC)

Jennifer Walker, a graduate student in Geological and Planetary Sciences at Caltech, will introduce the film and guide the post-screening discussion.

Recommended for grades 3-12.

This is a special one-hour school-day performance. For more field trip opportunities, or to make reservations, please call Mary Herrera at (626) 395-6059 or email at

Presented by: Caltech Committee on Institute Programs

For more information, please phone (626) 395-6059 or email
$10 (assigned seating)