Emotional Well-Being Workshop Series - I hit my head - now what? Coping with concussions
Each year, Counseling Services presents the Emotional Well-Being Workshop Series to bring in mental health professionals from both on- and off-campus to discuss a wide variety of topics related to having a healthy emotional life. Each workshop will be on a Wednesday from 12:00 - 12:55 in Avery Library, and free lunch will be provided on a first-come basis.
On May 22nd, Dr. Adrienne Meier will lead a workshop on coping with concussions. Everyone has hit their head at one point but it can be confusing and scary to navigate what to do afterwards. We will review concussion symptoms as well as important steps to take afterwards, including seeking medical care and timelines for "return to learn" or physical activity. The short- and long-term effects of head injuries will also be discussed.
Adrienne Meier, PhD is a licensed psychologist who specializes in neuropsychology. She assesses individuals after they sustain a head injury to provide treatment recommendations to minimize long-term effects of a head injury and to outline any necessary academic accommodations. She also conducts assessments to identify any other barriers to academic and professional success, including AD/HD, learning disorders, or psychiatric symptoms.