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Planet Earth - Mountains

Friday, January 20, 2017
10:00am to 11:00am
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Ramo Auditorium
  • Public Event

Welcome to an extreme landscape of rock, ice and snow, a vertical world as alien to humans as the surface of another planet. Planet Earth takes you on a tour of its mightiest mountain ranges, starting with the birth of a mountain at one of the lowest places on Earth and ending on the summit of Everest. Mountains are home to some of the shyest animals on the planet, including the highest land predator on the planet – the snow leopard. Astounding images of the elusive snow leopard hunting on the peaks of Pakistan are a world first.

Peter Buhler, a graduate student in geological and planetary sciences at Caltech, will introduce the film and guide the post-screening discussion.

Recommended for grades 3-12.

To make a reservation or learn about more field trip opportunities, please call Mary Herrera at (626) 395-6059 or email

Presented by: Caltech Committee on Institute Programs

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For more information, please phone (626) 395-6059 or email
$10 (assigned seating)