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Rock My World: The Power of Volcanoes

Friday, January 11, 2013
10:00am to 11:00am
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Beckman Auditorium
  • Public Event

Vocanic eruptions are some of the most dramatic and powerful destructive forces on our planet, providing evidence for the immense heat contained inside the Earth. But they are also the primary force that has shaped the planet we live on today, and they are surprisingly necessary for maintaining life.

Why do volcanoes form where they do? How do volcanoes and the underlying forces that crate them make the Earth suitable for life? Are there volcanoes on other planets? Find out the answers to these questions and more with a screening and discussion of the BBC documentary Earth: Power of the Planet - Volcano.

This stunning high-definition movie will serve as the springboard for a lively discussion about the science behind the beauty and wonder of nature.

Kirsten Siebach, a graduate student in Geological and Planetary Sciences at Caltech, will introduce the film and guide the post-screening discussion.

Recommended for ages 8 and up.

This is a special one-hour school-day performance. For more field trip opportunities, or to make reservations, please call Mary Herrera at (626) 395-6059 or email at [email protected].

Presented by: Caltech Committee on Institute Programs

For more information, please phone (626) 395-4652 or email [email protected].