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The Future of Earthquake Hazard Mitigation: How Will Earthquakes Impact Southern California?

Tuesday, April 21, 2015
7:30pm to 9:00pm
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Off Campus
  • Public Event

2015 Seismological Society of America
Town Hall Meeting

Come Meet the Scientists

This program is open to the public and will feature talks by science experts:

  • Earthquake Faults in Southern California - Kate Scharer, USGS
  • "Citizen Science" & Earthquake Monitoring of Smart Buildings – Monica Kohler, Caltech
  • Earthquake Early Warning – Doug Given, USGS
  • The Advanced Rapid Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) Project: Earthquakes from Orbit – Mark Simons, Caltech

The event will be facilitated by Jeff Reeb, the director of Los Angeles County's Office of Emergency Management.

This is a free event, with no tickets or reservations required.

Event Location: Pasadena Convention Center, Ballroom A-B

For more information, please contact Margaret Vinci by phone at (626) 395-3298 or by email at [email protected].