Engaging Students Beyond Their Field
Engaging Students Beyond Their Field:
A Discussion with Caltech Humanities Professors Kevin Gilmartin, Warren Brown, Jennifer Jahner, and Morgan Kousser
Join 2015 Feynman Prize recipient, Professor Kevin Gilmartin, along with Humanities faculty, Professors Warren Brown, Morgan Kousser, and Jennifer Jahner, for a lively discussion about getting students interested in studying subjects and ways of thinking that take them well beyond their known interests and passions. In Caltech's science-focused environment, teaching in the Humanities offers all of us relevant lessons in facing varied student backgrounds, sparking novel and critical analysis in classes, and supporting students to leave their comfort zone behind for new and deep learning. Facilitated by CTLO Director, Dr. Cassandra Horii.
This discussion is part of a long tradition in which the Caltech Project for Effective Teaching, a graduate student organization offering professional development opportunities such as the Certificate of Interest in University Teaching, invites the Feynman Prize winner to speak in the fall. CPET Co-Directors, doctoral candiates Daniel Thomas and Kelsey Boyle, will introduce the event and provide a brief history of speakers.
PART OF TeachWeek Caltech, a campus-wide celebration of teaching and learning, featuring conversations with Caltech faculty, students, staff, and renown guest presenters.
Thanks to the Twenty-Seven Foundation for supporting this TeachWeek panel discussion, as well as sponsorship of other events engaging Caltech faculty and students in new perspectives on teaching and learning.