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EXPLiCIT: Major Barbara

Friday, August 8, 2014
8:00pm to 10:00pm
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Dabney Hall, Lounge
  • Public Event

The Caltech Players present George Bernard Shaw's classic comedy Major Barbara for two weekends starting Friday, August 8, in Dabney Lounge.

Is Barbara Undershaft an aristocrat? A reformer? An evangelist? A rebel? It may be 1905, but Major Barbara is all that and more. Shaw's ground-breaking heroine uses her wit, her will, and her sharp sense of humor to battle hypocrites, fools, conventional thinking, and the entire military-industrial complex in this comedic masterpiece.

Directed by Caltech alum Todd Brun, Major Barbara stars Giulia Pellegrino (daughter of Professor Sergio Pellegrino), K. Zachary Abbott (Professor Smith in The PhD Movie), and a cast of students, staff, JPLers, and local community talent.

Performances run Friday through Sunday, August 8-10 and August 15-17; Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm, and Sunday matinees at 2 pm, in Dabney Lounge.

For more information, please see

EXtracurricular PLayers at CIT (the i is imaginary) is a student- and community-run organization dedicated to promoting theatre at caltech, providing ancillary support to TACIT, and producing independent performances.

For more information, please email
$10 General Admission; $5 students with ID. Tickets available at the door. To reserve tickets for specific performances, please <a href="">email</a> and specify your name, which performances, and the number of tickets